No. Grounding is not required for SYB products to be effective.

However, it is possible to ground SYB products. We suggest using an alligator clip ground, like this one: Alligator Clip-on Amazon

In general, we do not promote this functionality often, and it is for a few reasons.  But one of the bigger ones is when you ground into an outlet, that creates a bi-directional flow. So not only are you grounding your EMF shielding product, but you’re also creating a channel from the outlet to that shielding. And it is possible for forces including dirty electricity to flow towards the shielding. Which is obviously an undesirable outcome.

So, if grounding into the earth itself, is an option, we can definitely recommend that. But since grounding into the wall is the only option for many people, that’s why we don’t promote the grounding option. And it’s also why we don’t make any grounding products.

Additionally, EMF shielding can work without grounding. Otherwise, products like SYB Phone Pouch (which are small and portable and can not be grounded) would not work at all. Grounding does help to discharge any electrical fields, but even products without grounding can provide protection for magnetic and radiofrequency EMF.